Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual – A Reference and User Guide for the Arduino Uno Hardware and Firmware
A manual providing up-to-date hardware information for the popular Arduino Uno, the easy-to-use open-source electronics platform used by hobbyists, makers, hackers, experimenters, educators, and professionals.
Get all the information that you need on the hardware and firmware found on Arduino Uno boards in this handy reference and user guide.
- ideal for the workbench or desktop.
- Contains all of the Arduino Uno hardware information in one place
- Covers Arduino/Genuino Uno revision 3 and earlier boards.
- Easily find hardware technical specifications with explanations.
- Pin a reference chapter with interfacing examples.
- Diagrams and illustrations for easy reference to alternate pin functions and hardware connections
- Learn to back up and restore firmware on the board, or load new firmware.
- Basic fault-finding and repair procedures for Arduino Uno boards
- Power supply circuits have been simplified and explained.
- Mechanical dimensions split into five easy-to-reference diagrams
- Contains circuit diagrams, parts list, and board layout references to easily locate components
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