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HANDBOOK OF NODEMCU ESP32: Top 100 Internet of Things (IoT) Project Ideas with NodeMCU, ESP8266, and ESP32 for Beginners and Inventors (1 ed)

Original price was: $24.98.Current price is: $5.00.

  • Publisher: ‎ Independently published
  • Publication date: ‎ December 29, 2022
  • Author: Arsath Natheem S
  • Language: ‎ English
  • File size: ‎ 31.7 MB
  • Format: ‎ PDF
  • Pages: 472 pages
Brand Electro eBooks
SKU: EE10 Categories: , , , Tags: , ,

HANDBOOK OF NODEMCU ESP32: Top 100 Internet of Things (IoT) Project Ideas with NodeMCU, ESP8266, and ESP32 for Beginners and Inventors Kindle Edition.

This book is a comprehensive guide for beginners looking to start with the NodeMCU, ESP8266, and ESP32 microcontrollers. The book has 100+ practical projects on a wide range of topics, such as home automation, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and more. The book begins with an introduction to the NodeMCU and ESP32, covering their features and capabilities and how to set them up for development. It then walks the reader through the process of creating their first project, including how to write and upload code and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. The book then moves on to several projects that show how powerful and flexible the NodeMCU and esp32 are. The book then moves on to several projects that show how powerful and flexible the NodeMCU and esp32 are. These projects range from simple ones like controlling an LED with a button to more complex ones like building a home automation system or a remote-controlled robot. Throughout the book, the reader will learn how to use a variety of sensors and actuators, including temperature sensors, to create projects that can interact with the internet and other devices.

This book (HANDBOOK OF NODEMCU ESP32) is divided into four chapters.

  • The first one is about the basics of NodeMCU, ESP8266, and ESP32.
  • The next two chapters are about how to start programming ESP8266 and ESP32 and how to install NodeMCU and ESP32 in the Arduino IDE.
  • The third part will go through how to get started with ThingSpeak.
  • There are 100 fascinating project ideas for the esp8266, NodeMCU, and esp32 in the fourth chapter.

It also explains the basics of how open-source electronics work. This means that college students, schoolchildren, and hobbyists can use practical schematic diagrams to learn about electronics at all levels, from beginner to expert. I hope that students and teachers will find this project book useful for mini-projects, as a great project guide for science fair projects, and for other new ideas. In summary, the “Handbook of NodeMCU and ESP32 Microcontrollers” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn about and get started with the NodeMCU and ESP32 microcontrollers. It has step-by-step instructions and examples that help the reader make a wide range of projects and learn the skills they need to become a confident maker.


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HANDBOOK OF NODEMCU ESP32 Top 100 Internet of Things (IoT) Project Ideas with NodeMCU, ESP8266, and ESP32 for Beginners and Inventors (1 ed) PDF
HANDBOOK OF NODEMCU ESP32: Top 100 Internet of Things (IoT) Project Ideas with NodeMCU, ESP8266, and ESP32 for Beginners and Inventors (1 ed)

Original price was: $24.98.Current price is: $5.00.