Computer programs determine our everyday life, whether on the computer, tablet, mobile phone, in the car, or in the coffee machine. Software is becoming increasingly important; hardly anything works without the mysterious power of algorithms. But how do programs work? And how do you develop them? This book teaches you the basics of programming. Using everyday examples, you will first learn the basic concepts of programming, which are similar in all programming languages. Based on these basic ideas, you will then learn two popular and beneficial programming languages, Python and JavaScript, systematically and with many practical exercises, which you can use for a wide range of different tasks. The book is aimed at novice programmers of all ages (from students to professionals) who have no previous programming experience.
About the Author
Joachim Zuckarelli studied economics at the University of Mannheim. After working in management consulting and the laboratory diagnostics industry, he is now responsible for business intelligence at a chain of veterinary clinics. He has been programming in various programming languages since his school days. Most recently, he published an introduction to the statistics programming language R. He lives and works in Munich, Germany.
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